Domestic violence restraining orders in bradenville background checks/The Alaska experience

Domestic violence restraining orders in bradenville background checks/The Alaska experience

There are many advantages to the new system currently being imple
mented in Alaska. The Alaska legislature has revamped the state statutes to
include sweeping changes in the way domestic violence is handled. The
statutes have been revised to include training for police and other individual
als in the appropriate ways to handle domestic violence and provide for
relief for victims of domestic violence who wish to obtain a protective order.
Additionally, domestic violence has been made a crime punishable by law.
and the statutes provide for mandatory arrest for crimes of domestic vio
lence, violations of protective orders, and for violations of conditions of
release. Alaska now has the capability to conduct extensive and complete
background checks that would reveal all domestic violence violations and
protective orders
With all of these improvements, how much of an impact will this have on
the use of guns in domestic violence incidents in Alaska? Comparisons Pre
vious to 1994 are impossible for many reasons. First, though domestic vio
lens has been with us for many years, it has only in the past decade come to
national attention as a serious problem. Prior to this, incidents were dis
missed as "family problems and even law enforcement personnel were inclined to overlook the problem.